Public Works

37 East Cross Main Street (Next to City Hall)

Director Jody Bramblett

Employee Vincent Bates


"BUD - Before You Dig"

New Castle Public Works does not belong to “BUD - Kentucky811”, the company that locates other utility lines around your property. We will locate our water lines for any excavation on or around your property. We cannot locate the homeowners’ lines from the meter to their house. This is the responsibility of the homeowner. Please contact us for more information on our location services.

​To submit a locate request please use the link below and fill out all of the information.

Water Location Form

For Kentucky 811 "BUD" location services call 811, or use the links to their website:


New Castle purchases water from Henry County Water District. We then store and distribute water to our customers inside and outside the City. Wastewater generated from customers having sanitary sewers is collected, pumped and treated before being discharged into Town Creek.

Charges for water and sewer services are based on volume of water used. There is a minimum water and sewer charge even if no water was used during the month. Water meters are read monthly unless weather conditions are such that estimated readings are necessary. Bills are mailed to customers monthly with a due date on the 15th of the following month to avoid a late payment penalty.

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